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Welcome To The UNSC!

  So you want to play as the UNSC in Halo: Fleet Battles? The United Nations Space Command is a powerful faction that requires expertise and knowledge to make full use of. The MAC volleys of their battle groups are strong enough to take out full strength covenant elements and their armor strong enough to resist enemy fire, all for a much cheaper points cost per element than their covenant adversaries.  Unfortunately, the UNSC are a faction that are harder for new players to grasp compared to the Covenant. The UNSC ships are much more fragile, their weapons have a difficult time destroying tougher ships, and generally being outclassed in many standard interactions.  During your first games, you’ll likely have a tough time taking out Covenant elements while they shoot down ship after ship. You'll be frustrated at your element’s gun performance, not seeming to be able to do as much as it should do. Rest assured that these are normal experiences that you’ll be able to put past you with

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