Basics of UNSC Weapons

The UNSC have access to two main weapons onboard their elements, both of which are powerful enough to damage and destroy even the most durable ships in a volley or two. Understanding these weapons inside and out will be one of the most important aspects for a beginner to the faction. 


MACs are the standard and most powerful primary weapon the UNSC’s ships have access to. Each attack fires a large pool of dice, and combined with the other elements in a battle group, will rip through most enemy elements with only a couple volleys.

MACs aren’t affected by the range they are fired from, unlike Missile or Plasma weapons, so they are both effective at long and close range. Use this to your advantage to get long shots during the early rounds of a battle.

MAC attacks greatly suffer when fired through terrain features due to their lack of bonus to Firepower Rating, so it is important to fire at targets you have a clear line of sight on.

One of the most important and confusing aspects of MAC attacks are MAC Values and the types of MAC.

An ability unique to the UNSC MAC weapon is that they’re able to apply Vulnerable Token onto an enemy element that they hit. This is very powerful and ensures that subsequent attacks on important targets would be more successful.

There are three main types of MACs and each with different MAC values, Light (1), Heavy (2), and Super (3). The MAC table goes as follows:

  • If the combined value of the MACs is 2-3, roll one Halo Dice and on a result of a Skull the Target Element gains a Vulnerable Token.

  • If the combined value of the MACs is 4-5, roll one Halo Dice and on a result of a Skull or an Exploding Success the Target Element gains a Vulnerable Token.

  • If the combined value of the MACs is 6 or above, roll one Halo Dice and on a result of a Miss, Hit, and an Exploding Success the Target Element gains a Vulnerable Token.

While each individual Element’s MAC values may not be high up on this chart, combining attacks with the other elements in your Battle Groups are an amazing way to ensure better damage on enemy targets. 

Missile Batteries

Missiles are the standard secondary weapon that the UNSC ships can wield. While Missile dice are not as powerful as the MACs, they are capable of finishing off weakened targets.

Missiles gain a +1 to attack strength when attacking at longer ranges, making them well suited to combating evasive and cloaked elements at a distance. 

Missile Batteries have a targeting quirk that might throw off new players. When fired from the front arc, the Missiles have to target the closest enemy element, however from the sides it can target any enemy in range.

It’s important to remember that Missiles are subject to much more defensive dice than primary weapons, as Point Defense dice are able to shoot down Missiles. Keep this in mind as they can’t deal as reliable damage as your primary weapons.

Similar to MACs, Missile attacks can be combined with other Elements in a Battle Groups. While there aren't any special rules for doing so, it’s always better to have a larger dice pool against tougher target elements.

Final Thoughts

While the UNSC has much less variety of weapons than their Covenant foes, the weapons they have will be more than enough to destroy your enemies, and in time, you’ll be able to use your Elements to the best of your abilities.


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