Know Your Wings

 Know Your Wings

Wings are small but still vital components of your Fleet. While you most want to focus on your Elements and Battlegroups, you cannot afford to ignore your Wings as well. Wings represent the smaller ships, fighter interceptors, bomber ships, and boarding craft all fighting each other and enemy wings.

There are much fewer Wings than Elements, so we can go over both UNSC and Covenant Wings. Though they are identical in many ways, there are distinctions to make between the two factions at the end.


Interceptors are your dedicated wing-to-wing fighters, best fit for locking and attacking enemy wings. You’ll want your force to consist of a good amount of smaller interceptors stacks in order to destroy enemy bombers and protect your own wings.

The UNSC Interceptors are the Broadswords, and the Covenant variants are the Seraphs. They both have identical stats and rules as the other.


Bombers are your main damage wings, not fit for dogfighting but excelling in damaging and destroying enemy Elements. You want large stacks of bombers to maximize how many bombers are able to make their bombing run and dish out the largest dice pool.

The UNSC Bombers are the Longswords, and the Covenant variants are the Tarsques. They both have identical stats and rules; seeing a pattern?

Boarding Craft

Boarding Craft are unique wings, exclusively launched from elements only if they are within 12” of another element and during the activation of a battlegroup's phase. It isn’t subject to the same battlefield as other wings, as they cannot dogfight with interceptors or lock bombers, and don’t even travel on the board. They can be powerful tools in any fleet admiral's tool belt. A sucessful boarding action can turn the game into one’s favor by making ships vunerable, damaging a vital enemy element, or even creating a massive explosion that catches multiple battlegroups in the blast!

The UNSC Boarding Craft is the Pelican and the Covenant’s is the Type-28.

However, there are other wings I haven't covered. I consider these wings to be "special wings". I'll cover these wings afterwards. And after that, stay tuned for tips, tricks, and battle-tested tactics for using your wings.


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